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The purpose of our database is to provide an easy access to knowledge about music therapy and its application with a diverse array of clientele.  We therefore propose a selection of pertinent references, however not exhaustive, given that each week more research and other information are published around the world. 

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14 results
Active versus receptive group music therapy for major depressive disorder—A pilot study
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Scientific publications
Penchaya A., Papan T., Patchawan P., & W. Katekaew
Source / Publisher
Complementary Therapies in Medicine

This single-blinded randomized controlled trial compares the effects of 1) active group music therapy and 2) receptive group music therapy to group counseling in treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD). The conclusion is that group music therapy, either active or receptive, is an interesting adjunctive treatment option for outpatients with MDD. 

Comfort, connection and music: Experiences of music therapy and inter-active listening on a palliative care unit
Type of reference
Scientific publications
SarahRose Black, Gary Rodin, Camilla Zimmermann
Source / Publisher
Music and Medicine

This qualitative study explores the lived experience of inter-active listening (IAL), an individualized music therapy experience in which the therapist plays music or sings while the patient engages through listening. The study found that a receptive music therapy referred to as IAL was associated, in cancer patients in an acute palliative care unit, with increased emotional and spiritual well-being and a greater sense of connection to self and others.

A Conversation About… Mental Health and Music Therapy: An Introduction
Type of reference
General information
Source / Publisher
Mental Health Professionals' Network

This first episode of a podcast about music therapy is an introduction to the field of music therapy, what it takes to practice in the field, its different forms, and how it can support different people with a variety of needs.

A Conversation About… Mental Health and Music Therapy: An Introduction (PDF transcript version)
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General information
Source / Publisher
Mental Health Professionals' Network

This is a transcription of the first episode of a podcast about music therapy; it is an introduction to the field of music therapy, what it takes to practice in the field, its different forms, and how it can support different people with a variety of needs.

Descubre la magia de la MUSICOTERAPIA en Hospitales | Humanización de los Servicios de Salud
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General information
Albert Cervera
Source / Publisher

This video (in Spanish), includes interviews with Antoni Aceves and Joel Olivé from Spain and Rolando Benenzon from Argentina. Each of them is highly experienced music therapists and provide a definition of music therapy, explain its potential applications, and describe its therapeutic benefits.

La Experiencia Musical
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General information
Source / Publisher
Canal Revista Medicina y Cultura DEP

This video (in Spanish) includes an interview with Daniel Torres who is a music therapist and professor in Mexico. He describes how music stimulates the brain and the implications it has on human development and rehabilitation. He also explains how music therapy incorporates these neurobiological principles and brings therapeutic benefits to individuals of various ages and needs.

Group Telehealth Music Therapy With Caregivers: A Qualitative Inquiry
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Annabelle Breault & Guylaine Vaillancourt
Source / Publisher
Journal of Patient Experience

This qualitative study explored the experiences of informal caregivers of older adults who took part in group telehealth music therapy. Semi-structured interviews with 5 women caregivers were conducted. Through a thematic analysis process, the following themes were identified: (a) affordances of group telehealth music therapy, (b) challenges of group telehealth music therapy, and (c) music as a health resource. Telehealth considerations, clinical implications, as well as ways to support caregiver agency are discussed.

Les bienfaits de la musicothérapie pour les endeuillés
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General information
Martine Létourneau-Ryan
Source / Publisher
Fédération des Coopératives funéraires du Québec

Article in a magazine that states the benefits of music therapy for individuals going through bereavement. Information about goals of music therapy and certified music therapists (MTA) are provided. 

Music therapy for people with substance use disorders
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Claire Ghetti, Xi‐Jing Chen, Annette K Brenner, Laurien G Hakvoort, Lars Lien, Jorg Fachner, and Christian Gold
Source / Publisher
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

This is a Cochrane Review (intervention) addressing music therapy for people with substance use disorders. The objective was to compare the effect of music therapy in addition to standard care versus standard care alone, or to standard care plus an active control intervention, on psychological symptoms, substance craving, motivation for treatment, and motivation to stay clean/sober. The review outlines the search methods, selection criteria, data collection and analysis, results, and the authors' conclusions.

Music therapy in grief resolution
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Ruth Bright
Source / Publisher
Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic

The article describes an innovative method of facilitating grief resolution using precomposed music that is significant to the patient after a major loss. In this method, music is of equal importance with verbal processing as part of the overall therapeutic approach. Musical improvization is also used as a primary tool to reflect back to, and affirm for, the patient the affective content of his or her life story. 

Pain Management with Adults
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Joy L. Allen
Source / Publisher
Barcelona Publishers

This book chapter describes the use of music therapy for pain management. Types of pain are discussed, along with needs and resources for this client population. The main goal of music therapy for pain management is clearly stated: “providing a nonpharmacological technique to decrease the patient’s pain perception”. Criterias for referral and assessment are provided, and an overview of both receptive and active methods and techniques, along with specific guidelines are enumerated. 

Role of Music Therapy in Palliative Care—Methods and Techniques
Type of reference
Scientific publications
Ramesh Bhuvaneswari
Source / Publisher
Journal of Palliative Care

This paper hopes to provide an insight into the role of music therapy as a Salutogenic approach within a biopsychosocial framework and its need to be accepted in the Indian context. Music therapy may play the role with preventative and curative periods of treatment, as well as support to cope and acceptance toward the inevitable for the patient as well for the caregivers. Music therapy provides a biopsychosocial and holistic approach to palliative care.