Vulnerable Children

Vulnerable Children

We define vulnerable as children live in precarious socio-economical conditions, have recently immigrated or are claiming refugee status, or live through under-stimulating educative conditions or neglect. The potential benefits of music therapy as it applies to vulnerable youth and their families are directly rooted in the sociale pediatrics model. The approach of music therapy in social pediatrics in globally inspired by complex trauma and attachment theories. 

WHO can benefit from music therapy

Music therapy supports children, teenagers, and their families wgo live in difficult circumstances in supporting them towards achieving therapeutic goals. 

Music therapy helps this clientele to:

  • Develop tools and resources to address emotional expression
  • Improve self-esteem and confidence
  • Develop their feeling of efficacy and competence
  • Develop executive functions
  • Decrease anxiety
  • Improve focus
  • Foster a secure child-parent bond
  • Develop social skills
  • Create a sense of community
  • Enhance feelings of empowerment
  • Improve self-regulation
  • Enhance relaxation

HOW music therapy is used

A variety of music therapy interventions, methods and techniques can be used with this clientele.  The methods chosen may be receptive, improvisational, compositional, or re-creative.

Sessions can include:

  • Creation of motivating of calming playlists
  • Song choice, listening, and discussion
  • Singing and playing songs
  • Lyric analysis
  • Song writing and composition
  • Body percussion
  • Vocal and/or instrumental improvisation
  • Music creation using technology or acoustic instruments
  • Music and movement experiences
  • Creating music and sound for stories and books
  • Drum circle group experiences

Research and references

At the Institute, we believe sharing knowledge is a fundamental part of our role.  Our Resources section includes a growing list of research articles, presentations, videos and other documents, all dedicated to demonstrating how music therapy can positively impact this population and many others.

You will find these references, and more:

  • Concepts de pédiatrie sociale en communauté et musicothérapie : Une perspective herméneutique
  • Vidéo : musicothérapie au centre de pédiatrie sociale de Laval
  • Evaluation of Music Therapy Social Skills Development Program for Youth with Limited Resources

To discover those references and other available sources of information, click here: Resources & references about Children in Vulnerable Situations